All below products are registered products from T-Lab



2400µm, 1200µm, 600µm, 41µm

Unlike many filtration technologies, it is a revolutionary product that can mechanically tear off cells by gradually shrinking fat tissue, blood, or bone marrow using superior blade technology.

SVF: Microlyzer technology offers a fast, rich, regulation-risk-free, cost-effective solution for mechanically isolating real SVF with a high regenerative effect. Blood: Exosomes from Platelets. Bone marrow: Enable mesenchymal stem cells to be more easily collected and injectable from bone marrow.

Different Microlyzer Solutions

Exomine® - Autologous Platelet Derived Exosomes

Exomine Kit is an autologous system obtained from the patient’s blood, so it does not cause any side effects, such as allergic reactions or immune system problems, after injection. The Examine Kit product provides a safe and practical application for the patient.


Go to the product page Exomine.

Dermomine® - Autologous Micro-graft

The Dermomine Micrograft Kit offers an effective tissue suspension by processing grafts taken from the back of the ear, where the cells are younger, more active, and protected from the sun. Using a local anaesthesia technique, patients do not feel any pain and achieve maximum effectiveness with the Microlyzer processor blades.

Go to the product page, Dermomine.

Lipomine® - Autologous adipose micro-graft kit

Microlyzer’s superior blades offer the regenerative effects of fat filling or fat, depending on your use and purpose, thanks to their ability to micronize adipose tissue in different sizes. All the materials you need, such as a liposuction cannula, locked syringe, and sterile cover, are included in the Lipomine set.


Go to the product page, Lipomine.

Microlyzer SVF® - Autologous adipose & SVF kit

Microlyzer SVF Kit offers a system for obtaining high mesenchymal stem cell counts without using enzymes. It is much faster and has much smaller investment costs than enzymatic systems. Discover regenerative treatments now with T-LAB.


Go to the product page, Microlyzer SVF.

BMAC® - Autologous bone marrow kit

The superior Microlyzer blade technology prolongs megakaryocyte cells’ fibrin tissue formation time, allowing mesenchymal stem cells to be more easily collected and injectable. Microlyzer BMAC Kit has been thought out to the smallest detail, putting human health at the forefront. Unlike similar systems, it offers a safe injection opportunity by filtering bone marrow rich in stem cells through a 150-micron filter and filtering out bone fragments that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.


Go to the product page, BMAC.

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